Author Archives: Karin Volo

The Earth Manifesto

Manifesto: (n) a public declaration of intentions


We, the people, have a shared vision and intention for our beautiful planet….

1. We see a world where hunger, sickness, and poverty cease to exist as technologies are made available that free all of humanity from unnecessary pain and suffering.

2. We see families thriving and living in abundance, filled with love and support for each other.

3. We see schools and educational systems that allow children to discover and pursue their passions, where learning is fun, empowering and our children thrive as they develop their natural born talents.

4. We see our bodies becoming fully healthy as we eat foods that are organic and pure, filled with all the nutrients and life force we need. Disease falls to the wayside as we learn to allow our bodies to heal naturally.

5. We see our earth return to her beautiful state with clean air as our skies are no longer polluted with toxic chemicals. The oceans are cleaned from all the plastics and pollution and our marine life friends thrive in the blue waters. Nature blossoms in all fullness and the pristine balance in our world is regained.

6. We see enlightened leaders rising to the top in countries and companies–leaders that inspire us to reach our full potential and greatness through love.

7. We see new technologies emerging that are only for the good of humanity and our world.

8. We see our days filled with pursuing our passions and we all are living our higher purpose. We feel joy and love for our work and how we contribute positively to our communities.

9. We see a world where all living beings are respected and treated with kindness, compassion, and love, as we understand that we are all one and connected.

10. We see our world renewed, revitalized, filled with love, peace, joy and abundance. We collaborate to bring our great Earth back into her magnificence and glory.

And we, the people, do this by being aware, holding our collective vision, and simply choosing love over fear in each and every moment.

Laughing your way to good health

Be deliberate in finding ways on a personal level to stay focused on gratitude and joy. Bring more laughter into your daily life (see the infographic below for great tips). Love your family and friends, appreciate the good we have in the world because we are in the process of a rebirth. And in order for that to happen, the old systems must be revealed and made obsolete with new systems that will give rise to a much better world for us all. I truly believe we are on the way to a much better place so stay focused and choose love over fear each and every day. Laughing is a wonderful way to relax and feel better.InfoGraphicKV-Apr2016

The Power of Sound

Did you know that our bodies are 70% water? Hard to believe! There a great book by Masaru Emoto called The Hidden Messages In Water where he shows how water will “absorb” or carry messages it picks up from images, sounds, and vibrations.

I love when science helps to bring the unseen into the seen. Cymantics is the study of sound. I wanted to share this video because it shows just how powerful sound really is….which means what we listen to, what we say to others, and even what we think has a profound influence on how we feel.

Watch and enjoy. I hope it broadens your perspective a bit!