Category Archives: Personal Development

5 Ways to Get The Best Out of the Next Year

Girl jumps to the New Year 2017 at sunset.
In these hectic days of busy-ness, the best present you can give to yourself is to take a little time to evaluate your life. If we don’t do this regularly, time will disappear and before you know it, years have gone by and you’ll wonder where it went. Rather than allowing your life to slip through the sands of time, take a little time on a regular basis to evaluate where you’ve been and where you want to go.

Personally, I generally do the following activities at the New Year, my birthday (which is in March), and at the end of summer when I’m gearing up to finish the year. I recommend at the very minimum, annually, but quarterly or even monthly is great.

Here are some simple ways that you can keep your life on track moving forward towards the experiences you want to have. Take out a piece of paper or better yet, write this down in a journal so you can come back to it in the future to reflect back.

1. Write down your top goals that you want to accomplish in the next 12 months. Just the act of putting it down on paper makes it more concrete and the odds of these things happening increase dramatically. In fact, only 3% of people actually write down their goals and according to a study of Harvard students, that 3% will make ten times more than the other 97% put together!

2. Write down how you want to FEEL in the coming months. Get in touch with the emotions and feelings you want to have as your dominate feelings. Whether it is love, happiness, joy, abundance, peace, fun, excitement, passion, or whatever is important to you, bringing this awareness to how you are feeling is going to keep you on track of situations that are in line with these feelings—nor even more importantly, situations that are NOT in alignment with these core emotions.

3. Write down what experiences you want to have. Be specific, dream big, bring fun into this. What are the things you’re dreaming about doing in your life. There is absolutely no time better than NOW to start experiencing it. Life is about living…not settling or waiting until the time is right or you have enough money/time/freedom/ability/insert your reasons here to make it happen. The dynamic about creating your life is that you need to be clear and specific about you want, set the intention to make it happen, and then guess what? It has a much higher likelihood of happening!

4. Write down how you want to give back in your life. The key to bring joy into your life and creating the life you want to live is directly tied into how you want to give back. Your ability to receive grows as you give. And as you give, you help others feel good which in turn makes you feel good too. The more interactive this is, the better. Although it is nice to write a check to your favorite charity, it doesn’t have nearly the positive impact energetically on you versus going down to the local soup kitchen and helping to feed the homeless during the holidays or reading for children at the local library. These are just examples—come up with what feels right for you.

5. Write down how you are going to take care of yourself and get committed. We only have one body and it is important to take care of it. So whether that means eating healthier foods, getting regular exercise, sleeping better, having more fun, nurturing relationships more, think about how you can take care of yourself physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Often people think it is selfish to put yourself before others but in fact, it is the exact opposite. When you take good care of yourself, you have more to give to others.

When you take good care of yourself, you have more to give to others.
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dream big, set goals, take action - inspirational handwriting on a napkin with a cup of coffee

Once you’ve written these 5 ways to get the most out of the coming year, think about all you’ve accomplished, and how far you’ve come so far. Celebrate your progress and know that you are getting in the driver’s seat of your life. You become empowered when you stop and take a little time for this reflection. And dream about how you want to experience your life. Because everything that we can imagine and dream about, we can bring into our experiences if we stay focused, determined, committed, and loving the path we’ve chosen to take. Good luck and here’s to making your dream life come true!

What Holds Our World Together

Love earthGenuine love brings light and positive energy into any situation. All of our positive emotions (such as hope, joy, patience, courage, enthusiasm, appreciation, etc) are rooted in love and are connecting us to the Divine energy.

When we are going through any sort of tough time, it becomes harder to be in the higher range of emotions. It is possible to counteract the lower vibrating emotions with a higher emotion to consciously raise your feelings. If you are angry, you can work with forgiveness to free your own heart. If you are depressed, you can help others to realize that there is always someone who has a harder time than you. However, it is also important to allow yourself to feel whatever emotion you are having because it brings you into the present moment.

Loving yourself will give you patience and understanding to get through anything. Surrounding yourself with people (and even pets) who you can love and be loved by you will help tremendously. This will give you strength to make it through this day, and the next, and the next, no matter what is happening.

Old new life future past goals success decision change decide choice

Just as we go through cycles of change in nature, know that change is constant. Whatever difficult times you might be facing now is only a phase and will pass. Growth is optional. You have a choice of how you will react to any situation. If you can understand that there must be some higher reason as to why you are going through certain challenges, then it will make it easier to get through. This is why I always say, look for the lesson. It can give you a clue to the purpose of the situation.

Be conscious of how you are feeling and look for the small things in life that you can enjoy. It will bring you into the moment. Our suffering is often based when we are thinking about the past or the future. Learn to live in the Now and you will thrive through each day. Love is the energy that connects us to our higher selves and to each other in the most positive way possible.

A wonderful book I can recommend is Love for No Reason by Marci Shimoff. There are many exercises on how you can bring your life into the flow of love continually. Our world is in desperate need of having this energy flowing freely.

Have compassion, forgive others so as to free your own heart, appreciate all that you have because it is a way of giving thanks to the Universe, and give to others which naturally makes you feel better. All of these actions consciously allow love to flow in your life.

Love is not an emotion. Love is a state of being.
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All the positive emotions we can feel come from this energy of love, which is the Source energy that gives us life! No matter what tough transitions, challenges, or circumstances you may be experiencing, finding ways to allow love to flow will get you through those trying times and into a place you can begin to create the life of your dreams.

Happy loving family. Father and his daughter child girl playing outdoors. Cute little girl and daddy. Concept of Father's day.

Your dream life is waiting for you—it is up to you to claim it! It is my hope that these lessons can help you manage and improve your life. We all have the opportunity to create heaven on earth and live the lives of our dreams.

By reaching our highest potential, we inspire others to do the same.

What action can you take today to bring more love and joy into your life?

Global Meditation For The US Elections

If you’ve been following me for any time, you know that I am all about choosing love over fear. In the last several months, I’ve been concerned about the about of fear and negativity that is being projected. This coming week are the US elections. Now I really don’t care what your political beliefs are, nor am I interested in sharing mine. What I am interested in sharing is that collectively, regardless of where you are in the world, we can come together as one and focus on bringing peace to the world.

I believe what we have been witnessing is a mass awakening to the corruption and fear that has driven our world systems for far too long. And I believe that humanity as a whole is sick and tired of living that way. I do not believe we were born to live miserable lives and I know that each and every one of us has an inner core of strength, courage and love.

So I am asking you to help us shift the world–together. Because I don’t think it can happen any other way and especially not if we are divided and separated. There are almost 7.5 Billion people on the planet right now (7.462 B to be more exact), and the vast majority of people just want to have four basic things: love, peace, joy and abundance. That’s it! So why can’t we accomplish this? I believe we can when we finally, finally come together a one human race, caring for the whole planet and all living beings.

I want to invite you to join on a global mass meditation on Sun Nov 6th. You can watch this two min video to get the details. This is not a politically motivated video, it’s a peace motivated one, to help lift up the energy around the US elections, since it is going to have an impact on everyone around the world.

It’s time to end the madness of hatred, fear, separation, and scarcity and come together to bring peace on this beautiful planet we call home.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, for being a part of my tribe, and for wanting to make a positive difference in the world. We can do this!

Much love and peace!

P.S. If you’re reading this after Nov 6th, you can still help by keeping the vision for peace strong inside of your heart. You can read The Earth Manifesto as a guide as well.

Change Doesn’t Have to Suck: 3 Strategies for Dealing with It

Changes Ahead sign against a blue sky with rainbow. Concept of situation change for the better.

Life is Change, Change is Constant….Growth is Optional

We often think that people are resistant to change. The truth is that life is ALWAYS changing, no matter what happens. Just like water flowing through a stream, life needs to flow and expand. What happens to water when it is stuck in a puddle? It becomes stagnant and eventually it stinks! The same is true for our lives. We are meant to grow and expand.

The Universe is in constant motion, continually expanding at 1.3 billion miles per hour! We are in a time of accelerated change in our world now too. In this century, we’re not going to experience 100 years of change—it’s going to be 20,000 years of change!

Humans are a very adaptable species. It’s how we have survived so far! I often enjoy having conversations with people from different generations. What I have learned is that we have different phases and in each decade, the challenges we face change with time. Right now, I’m in the sandwich generation with children and my elderly mother. And having teenagers is very different from young children. Before I know it, they’ll be out of the house and it’ll be time for a new phase again.

It is how we manage change that makes your life either a great ride or total misery. How adaptable are you? Do you resist or embrace change? Are you afraid or ready to take it on? Here are three helpful strategies I’ve learned along the way to manage change.

1. Life Is Happening FOR You, Not TO You

“Why is this happening to me?” is one of the most disempowering questions. It robs us of our power and puts us into a victim mentality where you feel out of control. When you ask, “why is life happening FOR me?”, you get different answers. It gives you an opportunity to look for lessons and growth. It helps to reframe challenges in a way that is very empowering.

2. Expect Change

When you know that change is constant, you don’t get quite as surprised with anything that might be changing. Of course, make plans and take steps to progress but also know that there generally isn’t a straight line from A to Z. It’s a very zigzag line. To paraphrase Steve Jobs from one of his famous commencement speeches, you can connect the dots looking forward, only looking backwards. So sometimes things happen that don’t make sense now, but it might in the future.

3. Go With The Flow

I can’t even tell you how often this one has helped me. If you are rigid against change, then it can hurt. But if you are fluid like water, then you can much more easily accept the changes and adjust as needed. Take a deep breath and try to see things from a new perspective.

These three strategies are all based in a deeper foundation of trust. Know the power that you have within you to create your life. Our thoughts and words are powerful so put yourself in the driver’s seat and create the life you want to have!

You’re More Powerful Than You Know!

SuperheroWe tend to downplay all the we do. But the reality is that we as humans are much more powerful than we realize.

Your thoughts cause you to have emotions, which sends out a frequency to try and find that experience for you. I recently watched a video that showed a women being cured of cancer in a matter of minutes through a Chinese method of energy healing. The tumor in her bladder literally disappeared in minutes because these Chinese medicine men understood the power of chi (which is the Chinese word/concept of the life force within all living matter).BrainNeuron

What I find so fascinating by this is that once we see it with our eyes, it becomes believable. These men were tapping into the chi energy with the statement that her healing and well being was ALREADY done.

How many of us have goals or dreams that we want to experience and we often say “someday I’ll do/have/be that”? The fact of the matter is that our words are powerful and they create. Cymantics, the study of sound, is now making the invisible visible and showing that each sound has a certain frequency that creates its own pattern.

It is so important to understand that you need to use your words wisely. And the more emotionally charged you state something, the more powerful it is. Best-selling author and expert Gregg Braden calls this the Technology of Emotion.

Therefore, when you burst out in anger or frustration, beware of what you are saying because you are just calling that experience into your life that much faster. The same however, is true for passionate and emotional statements of love and joy. And these you should use as much as possible! Because it will bring those experiences into your life quicker that you’ll think possible.

When we are conditioned to see the world in a certain way, it is sometimes hard to break through that though process or patterns. But if you can decide you want to play around a bit and make a game of it, and you make conscious decisions to experiment, then you can see how it will work. It takes the “performance pressure” off of you and then you can just have fun with it.


You can play around with getting parking spaces (which I always get fantastic places!) and making sure you find what you want when you go into a store. I’d love to hear from you…how you are using words and emotions to change things for the better in your life?

PS. You probably are wondering about the video with the Chinese healing…it was featuring a talk from Gregg Braden. You can watch this 14 min video below: