One of my favorite inspirational speakers and personal growth leaders is Tony Robbins. This video is worthwhile to watch and get inspired from…especially as the world is shifting. It all needs to start within ourselves first. Enjoy!
One of my favorite inspirational speakers and personal growth leaders is Tony Robbins. This video is worthwhile to watch and get inspired from…especially as the world is shifting. It all needs to start within ourselves first. Enjoy!
Did you know that our bodies are 70% water? Hard to believe! There a great book by Masaru Emoto called The Hidden Messages In Water where he shows how water will “absorb” or carry messages it picks up from images, sounds, and vibrations.
I love when science helps to bring the unseen into the seen. Cymantics is the study of sound. I wanted to share this video because it shows just how powerful sound really is….which means what we listen to, what we say to others, and even what we think has a profound influence on how we feel.
Watch and enjoy. I hope it broadens your perspective a bit!
Genuine love brings light and positive energy into any situation. All of our positive emotions (such as hope, joy, patience, courage, enthusiasm, appreciation, etc) are rooted in love and are connecting us to the Divine energy.
When we are going through any sort of tough time, it becomes harder to be in the higher range of emotions. It is possible to counteract the lower vibrating emotions with a higher emotion to consciously raise your feelings. If you are angry, you can work with forgiveness to free your own heart. If you are depressed, you can help others to realize that there is always someone who has a harder time than you. However, it is also important to allow yourself to feel whatever emotion you are having because it brings you into the present moment.
Loving yourself will give you patience and understanding to get through anything. Surrounding yourself with people (and even pets) who you can love and be loved by you will help tremendously. This will give you strength to make it through this day, and the next, and the next, no matter what is happening.
Just as we go through cycles of change in nature, know that change is constant. Whatever difficult times you might be facing now is only a phase and will pass. Growth is optional. You have a choice of how you will react to any situation. If you can understand that there must be some higher reason as to why you are going through certain challenges, then it will make it easier to get through. This is why I always say, look for the lesson. It can give you a clue to the purpose of the situation.
Be conscious of how you ar e feeling and look for the small things in life that you can enjoy. It will bring you into the moment. Our suffering is often based when we are thinking about the past or the future. Learn to live in the Now and you will thrive through each day. Love is the energy that connects us to our higher selves and to each other in the most positive way possible.
A wonderful book I can recommend is Love for No Reason by Marci Shimoff. There are many exercises on how you can bring your life into the flow of love continually. Our world is in desperate need of having this energy flowing freely.
Have compassion, forgive others so as to free your own heart, appreciate all that you have because it is a way of giving thanks to the Universe, and give to others which naturally makes you feel better. All of these actions consciously allow love to flow in your life.
Love is not an emotion. Love is a state of being.
All the positive emotions we can feel come from this energy of love, which is the Source energy that gives us life! No matter what tough transitions, challenges, or circumstances you may be experiencing, finding ways to allow love to flow will get you through those trying times and into a place you can begin to create the life of your dreams.
Your dream life is waiting for you—it is up to you to claim it! It is my hope that these lessons can help you manage and improve your life. We all have the opportunity to create heaven on earth and live the lives of our dreams.
By reaching our highest potential, we inspire others to do the same. What action can you take today to bring more love and joy into your life?
Appreciation is a way of giving thanks to the things we are glad about in our lives. It is one of the major keys to living a joyful life. According to the dictionary it is “thankful recognition”. It’s a way that can lift your spirits quickly when you start to focus on all that you are grateful for in your life.
Sergio and I both learned to appreciate all the good things we had in our lives, especially during the toughest time in our lives. Even though we were separated and going through hell for almost four years, our family had our health and that was something to be grateful for. Business was coming in, without any sales or marketing efforts, and I am sure we had a lot of help from above. Sergio was able to send me money every week so that I could call home and talk to my family. Any little thing that we could be grateful for helped to bring in light into our situation and helped to give us some hope too.
Gratitude and appreciation are so important because no matter what the circumstances are, you can always find some little thing to be thankful for which will help you to get to a higher energy level to be able to attract good things into your life.
Appreciation is also the key to having good relationships. When you can focus on the good parts of a relationship or person, you are seeing the person with love. This will cause even more good energy to flow between you and that person. When you first fall in love, all you can see is the goodness of that person. With time, the “honeymoon ph ase” will end, and those little things can start to get on your nerves. If you allow those things to bother you and continue to focus on them, it’s only going to get worse. But when you can focus on the good things—which appreciation does for you—then you will only see more of that.
One of the best ways to get into the appreciation mode is to think of ten things that you are grateful for every night before you fall asleep and in the morning when you wake up. When you do this as you are going to sleep, you’ll put yourself into a positive state that will carry you through the night. When you do this in the morning, it helps start your day in a positive light. This is one of the keys to living a joyful life. No matter how dire the situation may seem, find those ten things to be grateful for…they may be miniscule but it will help. What are the three top things you are grateful for most right now in this moment?
We say soothing words to others when they are upset. Why not use the same approach with ourselves when we’re feeling down, asks Kristin Neff, PhD, author of Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind (William Morrow). Gestures of compassion—even when given to ourselves—release oxytocin, a brain chemical that promotes feelings of trust. You might speak soothing words to yourself when you are upset, just as you would to someone else. You might say, “I know that I am feeling bad right now. And I’m ready to do anything to support myself right now.”