Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Joy of Finding Your Tribe

Tribe (noun): 

  • any aggregate of people united by ties of descent from a common ancestor, community of customs and traditions, adherence to the same leaders, etc.
  • a class or set of persons, especially one with strong common traits or interests.
  • a large family.

Seth Godin popularized this concept several years ago in his book Tribes. Technology is connecting the people of this planet in wonderful ways. Seth discusses how the Internet can connect people but it can’t lead people. We need leaders to step up and find their message to get out into the world. And then people who believe in it, who want to learn more, and who are ready to follow will come together—to form a digital tribe. Continue reading

The Power of Practicing Peace

We are in some crazy times and if you watch anything on the news or TV, you’d think the world might be coming to an end.

Let me tell you that this is not true.

According to research by Peter Diamandis, best selling author of Abundance, and many others, we are living in the most abundant and peaceful times right now.

However, that is not what mainstream media wants you to believe. It is a machine that churns out negative news to keep us in fear.

Yes, there are atrocities still happening in the world and I am not denying that. Yes, there are still horrible incidents occurring that should not be. No human being should be losing their life in violence and we definitely should not be killing each other—ever!

But what we are seeing is the revealing of old systems that are dying right now. We are bringing out dated belief systems to light so that we can understand that it is time to move on. These old ways of thinking no longer serve us! And it’s time to transmute them by consciously choosing to think, feel, and believe something else.

Humanity is waking up and choosing love over fear. It is a joy to see this!

The reality is that peace starts inside, with each and everyone one of us. When you can keep the calm during the chaos, you influence the situation around you by modeling something positive.

This was a lesson I learned all too well sitting wrongly accused in a high security holding facility for almost four years. It is possible to practice peace, to choose love over fear, and to positively impact those around you by doing this.

So when you start to feel overwhelmed by the circumstances around you…look closely around you and know that you are a powerful being who can influence the world. You can choose to have thoughts of love, compassion, forgiveness, healing, and peace, and send that out into the world instead.

I had a clear vision once where I saw how polluted the world really was by all of our emotional baggage and drama. I saw the earth from space covered with a thick grey smog or clouds and the war zones were black clouds. But there were beams of light shooting out through those clouds. Those beams of light were people who were practicing peace, love, and joy.

OK, now you might think that sounds hokey. But those beams of light are powerful. And they do break up the collective emotional pollution. The more people that can practice peace in their own lives, the sooner we will all have peace.

The key is to know that it all starts inside of us.

We are each more powerful than we’ve ever been led to believe or understand.

So what can you do now in the midst of all this turmoil?

Turn off the TV. Stop reading the news, or read it in limited quantities. Research shows that five minutes of negative news in the morning has a negative impact for up to eight hours the rest of the day!

Trust me, you’ll still hear about the important things you need to know about anyway. And choose to find the joy in your life. Appreciate all the good things that are happening. And find peace in knowing that we are in the middle of the greatest transformative times in our lives. Be a part of the solution…not a part of the problem.

Help make the world a better place for everyone.  The time is now.

Start practicing peace daily.

Appreciation—A Key to Transforming Your Life

Appreciation is a way of giving thanks to the things we are glad about in our lives. It is one of the major keys to living a joyful life. According to the dictionary it is “thankful recognition.” It’s a way that can lift your spirits quickly when you start to focus on all that you are grateful for in your life.

I’ve met hundreds if not thousands of people from all walks of life and have learned that everything is relative. In Sweden, we talk about “luxproblem” or luxury problems when someone’s phone isn’t working or they are bored with their work/school. If you just only compare your life to someone who has it worse, very quickly you can find so much to be grateful for in your own life. Basically if you have eyes to read this and are breathing, guess what? You can be grateful!

Gratitude and appreciation are so important because no matter what the circumstances are, you can always find some little thing to be thankful for which will help you to get to a higher energy level to be able to attract good things into your life.

Appreciation is also the key to having good relationships. When you can focus on the good parts of a relationship or person, you are seeing the person with love. This will cause even more good energy to flow between you and that person. When you first fall in love, all you can see is the goodness of that person. With time, the “honeymoon phase” will end, and those little things can start to get on your nerves. If you allow those things to bother you and continue to focus on them, it’s only going to get worse. But when you can focus on the good things—which appreciation does for you—then you will only see more of that.

I’ve always love Thanksgiving because it is a holiday that helps people to remember what they are thankful for. One of the best ways to get into the appreciation mode is to think of ten things that you are grateful for every night before you fall asleep and in the morning when you wake up. When you do this as you are going to sleep, you’ll put yourself into a positive state that will carry you through the night. When you do this in the morning, it helps start your day in a positive light. This is one of the keys to living a joyful life.

No matter how dire the situation may seem, find those ten things to be grateful for…they may be minuscule but it will help. You will start to condition your mind to look for the good in life. Our brains are like a muscle and what we focus on is what will create our reality. So use appreciation and gratitude as a tool to creating a very joyful life.

Is Our World Going Crazy?

Our world is incredibly tumultuous right now. Between the wacky weather, fires, earthquakes, floods to the upheaval in politics, governments, and so much negativity coming to light, it’s quite easy to feel we ARE going crazy.

So many people are afraid of what is going to happen, saddened by the anger, frustrated by the ineffectiveness of our leaders, disgusted with behavior. Just recently the hashtag #MeToo went viral as women open up about sexual harassment and violations they’ve experienced in their lives.

All of these things ARE horrible. They are scary. They are disheartening. And…we must remember that in order to heal so many things, we must bring it to light first. We must acknowledge that it does exist and then find ways to move forward, working with forgiveness and compassion. And this can be very hard if you’re a victim of circumstances; especially with all the “natural” disasters we’ve been experiencing.

As I see it, our earth is also going through a major shift, which could be contributing to some of the weather extremes. The earth is a living organism and unfortunately, our human race has become a bit of a plague to her, not the caretakers of Gaia as the native indigenous populations looked at their role.

All this craziness, this continuous stream of chaos; I believe it is serving the purpose of waking up humanity on some level. It’s making us take action and refuse to tolerate certain behaviors or actions. It’s causing us to come together to realize that no, we do NOT want _____ (fill in the blank: war, hatred, divisiveness, arrogance, non-accountability, etc). This is actually a good thing!

When two ducks fight, they make a lot of noise and then they separate and shake it off. So do dogs. And then they get on with their day-to-day lives. We are in the process of shaking things off ourselves. It’s time for humanity to come together, to learn to respect each other, to have compassion, to forgive, and to acknowledge that yes, we’ve created some horrible systems and that we are now ready to fix things—TOGETHER!

So all this craziness and chaos, I see the good in it because in the end, we will come together and start to build the world we would all like to see. I truly believe that in my heart. It’s a matter of leaning into trust, bringing to light the darkness in order to heal from it, and to know that we are all one. When we can collectively hold the vision for the future we want to have filled with love, peace, joy and abundance, then we will realize that no, we are not crazy at all. We are in a paradigm shift and heading to a world that is not only sane but in fact, truly amazing!

Global Meditation for Peace During Eclipse

By now, you’ve surely seen information regarding the full eclipse that is covering the entire US on August 21st. An eclipse like this hasn’t happened in decades. Hotels have been sold out along the Path of Totality for over a year and millions of people are traveling to see the eclipse in its full glory.

Even if you are in a part of the world where you can’t actually see it in person (you can always watch it in real time online), apparently the energies coming with this eclipse will be powerful. There is a global call going out with various groups coming together to share in a mass global meditation, a call for peace and prosperity on our planet. However you want to do this, I’d invite you to join in this global event wherever you are.

When we come together with a common vision through meditation, wonderful things can happen (scientific studies have proven the positive effects of people coming together collectively in this way). This is OUR chance to make a difference. All it takes is 15 minutes on August 21st at 11:11 PST/20:11 CET. Please take a look at the resources below.

A lot of details regarding the eclipse are listed here.

Meditation informational video:

15 Minute Unity Meditation video to tune into on August 21st:

One last note I’ve come across….in seven years, there will be another full eclipse across the US. There seems to be a cycle in seven years and X marks the spot!

Makes me wonder what this all means. I guess only time will tell! In the meantime, let’s do what we all can do to co-create a positive world for ALL of us now!