Tag Archives: chi

You’re More Powerful Than You Know!

SuperheroWe tend to downplay all the we do. But the reality is that we as humans are much more powerful than we realize.

Your thoughts cause you to have emotions, which sends out a frequency to try and find that experience for you. I recently watched a video that showed a women being cured of cancer in a matter of minutes through a Chinese method of energy healing. The tumor in her bladder literally disappeared in minutes because these Chinese medicine men understood the power of chi (which is the Chinese word/concept of the life force within all living matter).BrainNeuron

What I find so fascinating by this is that once we see it with our eyes, it becomes believable. These men were tapping into the chi energy with the statement that her healing and well being was ALREADY done.

How many of us have goals or dreams that we want to experience and we often say “someday I’ll do/have/be that”? The fact of the matter is that our words are powerful and they create. Cymantics, the study of sound, is now making the invisible visible and showing that each sound has a certain frequency that creates its own pattern.

It is so important to understand that you need to use your words wisely. And the more emotionally charged you state something, the more powerful it is. Best-selling author and expert Gregg Braden calls this the Technology of Emotion.

Therefore, when you burst out in anger or frustration, beware of what you are saying because you are just calling that experience into your life that much faster. The same however, is true for passionate and emotional statements of love and joy. And these you should use as much as possible! Because it will bring those experiences into your life quicker that you’ll think possible.

When we are conditioned to see the world in a certain way, it is sometimes hard to break through that though process or patterns. But if you can decide you want to play around a bit and make a game of it, and you make conscious decisions to experiment, then you can see how it will work. It takes the “performance pressure” off of you and then you can just have fun with it.


You can play around with getting parking spaces (which I always get fantastic places!) and making sure you find what you want when you go into a store. I’d love to hear from you…how you are using words and emotions to change things for the better in your life?

PS. You probably are wondering about the video with the Chinese healing…it was featuring a talk from Gregg Braden. You can watch this 14 min video below: