Tag Archives: Evoloshen

5 Steps to Shifting Our World and Your Life Forever!

We are living in some of the most fascinating times ever. Depending on your mindset, they are either the most chaotic and scary times…or the most exciting and exhilarating times.

Chaos normally precedes peace. The chaos is a form of disruption, forcing us to wake up and change our ways. Our world has been on an unsustainable path of destruction.

Fortunately we are collectively waking up and taking action. We are starting to understand that we are all connected and we need to take care of each other, our animals, our environment and our beautiful planet.

We want peace not war. We want healthy, natural food not chemical crap passed off as food. We want loving, supportive relationships not drama and toxic interactions. We want trustworthy, authentic leaders not two faced people leading with a hidden agenda. We want genuine connections to real people not superficial likes and followers.

Let’s look at this from a cosmic level first. Our solar system is moving into an area in our galaxy that has a higher frequency. Schumann’s resonance has been changing drastically since 2015. It had been measured at a steady pace of 7.83 hz since it was first discovered/measured in 1954. In 2015 it started having anomalies, doubling and tripling for short periods of time. These energetic frequencies are increasing both in intensity and time. Much of this can be measured through the electromagnetic frequencies as well as plasma waves. This helps to explain how you may be feeling off or why we see such chaos right now.

In order to change our external world, we must all start from within. I believe we are all being called to do our own inner work. The majority of us are carrying emotional baggage in a cellular level that if affecting our lives today, whether we know this consciously or not, is another thing.

If we consider a micro level, there are many saying now that these energies are changing our DNA from a carbon base to a crystalline base. I haven’t found so much mainstream science on this yet but the idea is certainly interesting. This is why I think we are seeing so many emotions and situations showing up in our own lives during this transition.

There are five steps that can help as we work towards raising our own frequency…

1) Process Emotions

We need to feel our emotions on a conscious level. Don’t stuff them inside and don’t let them rage out of control. Be in the moment, name the emotion and thoroughly feel it so it passes through you. Have compassion for yourself and others if they hurt you because generally hurt people hurt people. When you understand this, you can shift yourself into a place of compassion and understanding. Take responsibility for your emotions and work towards being proactive by responding rather than reactive by being triggered. Only you can do that!

2) Heal Traumas

The emotional baggage we haven’t processed gets stuck on an emotional and cellular level. Over time, these affect our relationships and worse can have a negative impact on our health. When we can heal wounds and traumas, we lighten our load. The best way to heal is through forgiveness, both for others and for you. Forgiving yourself is sometimes the hardest person to forgive but do it anyway. We all make mistakes! The key is to take the lesson from all of those traumas and have a sense of gratitude because it showed you how to be resilient!

3) Ground Yourself

If a storm is coming, you tether in your boat and batten down the hatches, right? The chaos around us is that storm. Spend time in nature, meditate, and practice mindfulness to ground yourself. Practice conscious gratitude and focus on love and things that bring you joy. Educate yourself and be relentless in pursuing the truth. There are certain forces that want you to live in fear. Ignore that and choose love instead. We all have this immense creative power within ourselves—learn to work with it! We are spiritual beings having a human experience. So do what it takes to find your inner peace and then guard it fiercely!

4) Dream Big

Now is more than ever the time for you to manifest your dreams. What is the world YOU want to live in? Focus on that. When we can come together to share a collective dream—you know, something like world peace—then we can create it together! There are 7.7 billion people on the planet today. When we come together, we can solve our problems. There are so many brilliant minds that can create solutions to some of the biggest issues right now. So think about how YOU want to make an impact. And don’t worry about starting small—it all starts with that first step. But keep your vision big in your mind and take actions steps each day to move forward. Use the power of your imagination and don’t be afraid to dream big! The world needs those special talents and gifts that only you have to give.

5) Be Open-Minded

It’s so important in this day and age to stop the judgments and be open-minded. There is so much disinformation and misinformation out there so be vigilant to find the truth out for yourself. Research, talk to others with curiosity and openness rather than being rigid or getting triggered, feel into what feels right to you. Our bodies are amazing in giving us information when we know how to listen to it and trust our gut or intuition. Know that it is OK to agree to disagree and choose not be enemies. Look for what we have in common and build each other up instead. This will go a long way in building solid relationships with others.

By working on these five steps, it will help prepare you and make this global shift easier for you to handle. We all have our own part to contribute. Let’s do this together and create the wonderful world we know we can!

The Joy of Finding Your Tribe

Tribe (noun): 

  • any aggregate of people united by ties of descent from a common ancestor, community of customs and traditions, adherence to the same leaders, etc.
  • a class or set of persons, especially one with strong common traits or interests.
  • a large family.

Seth Godin popularized this concept several years ago in his book Tribes. Technology is connecting the people of this planet in wonderful ways. Seth discusses how the Internet can connect people but it can’t lead people. We need leaders to step up and find their message to get out into the world. And then people who believe in it, who want to learn more, and who are ready to follow will come together—to form a digital tribe. Continue reading

What the HECK is going on in our world now?

If you are spending time watching mainstream media, you may be experiencing anxiety, worry, and think that the world is falling apart. Unfortunately, the media has a motto—if it bleeds, it leads—and it’s been that way for decades! Their job is to push fear. More and more people are moving to alternative sources in order to find truth and there are many people I know who are simply turning it off.

The way that I look at the world may be a bit different….and I’m hoping that by sharing this, it might give you a new way to consider things that are happening right now.

Our world is shifting and going through a major transition. What I do intuitively feel is that the good and light will win–we ARE winning! The consciousness of humanity IS rising!

In order to do so, many of our “industrial-based systems” need to crumble and be replaced with much more sustainable systems. There is so much corruption coming to light in EVERY country! The depth of the corruption is systemic and needs to be rooted out on a global basis. We are seeing this happening in real time and a lot of this is being helped by grassroots initiatives, by people who are passionate to know THE TRUTH, and by lightworkers who were born to help in this process. It is the time of #TheGreatAwakening of humanity.

We are in the middle of that chaos right now, and it has to happen. However, this is actually one of the most exciting times to be alive when you look at things from a higher perspective. We all chose to be here for this. And it’s important to lift ourselves out of the drama that is being played out on the global stage. We can be observers as we watch our old paradigm falling apart and we can be active in visualizing and meditating for the New Earth.

I have spent hundreds of hours studying and learning from multiple sources over the years and I always try to see events from various perspectives. There are a lot of different terms for this shift such as we’ve moving from 3D to 5D, this is the Rapture, the Harvest is coming, there will be a Solar event, a solar sneeze, we’re shifting from duality to unity—the list goes on and on.

What we need to understand is that we are learning more and more about how our world is actually run and how utterly corrupt and horrible it has been behind the scenes. The word apocalypse has its roots in the Latin word apocalypsis, meaning to uncover.  That is what we are experiencing right now—the uncovering or revealing of the truth.

If you consider that the majority of the people on this planet actually do NOT want war but rather, they want to live a good life filled with love, peace, joy and abundance. There is a very tiny portion of humanity that IS insane, evil, and doing horrific things.

The more that we the people can unite, the stronger we become.

It’s easy to feel like I’m just one person, what can I do? The fact is there’s a lot that you can do. Join global meditations, find your purpose and live it, be an example of the world as we’d like it to be, share love, share truth, be kind, smile to others and brighten their day, keep your emotions and personal energy high, choose love over fear.

There are numerous studies that prove with a small group of people meditating with the same intention at the same time it has had a positive impact. It’s called the Maharishi Effect[i]—just google that and you’ll see lots of articles about it.

Imagine if 7 billion people decided to focus on love and peace at the same time—what kind of an impact could that have? So let’s work to lift our own emotional state, to have a broader understanding of what is happening, and to be the observer, knowing that we are actually heading towards much better times. The sooner we all come together to embrace this, the sooner it will become our reality.

Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “you’ll see it when you believe it.” The time is now for us to set the intention to bring in the New Earth, this golden age, and to live a life that we simply love! We got this!

[i] https://tmhome.com/benefits/study-maharishi-effect-group-meditation-crime-rate/

What’s Your Word for 2018?

Do you think of a theme or a word for each year? It’s a great exercise someone recently mentioned to me. I’ve decided that this year’s theme for me is evolution. It’s one of my core words anyway and it feels appropriate for this year as well.

One of my favorite sayings is “Life is change. Change is constant. Growth is optional.” I’ve lived by this for many years now. I believe that life happens FOR us not TO us. When we can make this mental shift, we drop the victim mentality and start to think that the Universe has our back, even through the challenges and tough times, which if you are breathing, you WILL have! It’s a part of the human experience.

It is often through the toughest times that we can grow and evolve the most. It somehow forces us to dig deep inside and find what we need to make it through the challenges. At least that has been my experience.

So choosing growth, choosing to evolve, and leaning into trust that things are going to work out for you in the long run, makes it possible to be strong and resilient through whatever life may throw your way. We ALL have an inner core strength of courage and those difficult times helps you to grow.

Growth of course can happen in good times as well. It seems like when you are reaching for goals, dreams, and desires that are outside of your comfort zone, you learn to expand your comfort zone to make it bigger. And guess, what? It stays there!

Two years ago when I released my personal story, 1,352 Days, I ended up all over the media in Sweden. I was on radio and TV shows, even LIVE TV, doing interviews in Swedish (holy cow!! that was a HUGE stretch for me!). For most of the interviews, I was pretty calm inside and the reason is because I was (and still am) very purpose driven. I knew that I had a message to share and get out into the world and if I could use my personal story of immense challenges to inspire others, and to share that no matter what happens, choose love over fear, then I was willing to expand my comfort zone as far as I needed. That was a year of huge evolution to me.

I believe that our world is going through a HUGE evolution right now as well. It seems like so many people I know are having to deal with their emotional baggage, issues that they might not have dealt with or wanted to deal with. But now is the time for each of us to do the internal clearing and healing. Watching what has happened with the #MeToo movement all over the world is both bringing up issues and (hopefully) healing for those who have experienced any sort of harassment.

It is time for us to embrace the changes, to consciously create the world we want to live in, and to take our power back—both individually and collectively. Together we are stronger. We have the opportunity to step into our best selves and we are evolving.

So what is your word for 2018?

11 Easy Steps to an Inspiring Life

Inspiration comes in many forms and from many sources. Let’s keep it simple. When you choose to be on a quest to find inspiring information, you can really change the way you look at the world.

I’ve learned on my journey that we need to be discerning about the information we take in, especially the visual images and what we read. It’s a concept I call “Feed Your Brain,” because like all things, we must nuture to grow and be the best versions of ourselves.

If you are constantly bombarded by negative news, images, and information, it brings you down. It’s hard not to be depressed by that. And our mainstream media thrives on bad news. As they say, if it “bleeds, it leads”. Defaulting to our fear based instincts worked back in the cave days when our lives depended on paying attention to the threats of our environment. It was our survival instincts that kicked in and kept us alive.

Our societies have moved on from this. However, our automatic reactions haven’t—unless you actively work on it. When you become aware that most things are not a threat to your survival, you can choose to respond from an entirely different perspective. You can recondition your brain to look at what’s going well, instead of always looking at what is going wrong or could go wrong.

This brings me back to our quest for inspiration and joy. Here are 11 easy tips to change your mindset and start to recondition your brain so that you can have an inspiring life:

1) Stop watching the news. Read the paper or news online. It’s easier to skim headlines and choose to take in what is of interest to you. Choose to read good news instead. Imagine that any information you take in is like food for your brain. Feed your brain inspiring and positive things and you will feel so much better!

2) Spend time in nature. Get connected to the natural beauty that is abundant in our world. Walk barefoot whenever you can, this is called “earthing” and studies show that just a few minutes a day connecting to the earth this way helps reduce stress and lowers blood pressure. It actually helps get your electromagnetic resonance in tune with the earth.

3) Pay full attention when having a conversation. Often we listen with the intent to reply, not to understand. We are thinking about the next thing we are going to say instead of truly listening and understanding what the person is saying to us. Practice conscious listening and you’ll feel a difference in the connection and relationship.

4) Know what inspires you – and then act on it. If reading books makes you feel good, do it. Going to conferences, do it. Listening to good music and dancing like a manic in the privacy of your home, then DO IT! Whatever you love to do, put these things into your daily life.

5) Laugh, laugh, and laugh more. Laughter is the best medicine. It raises your energy, makes you feel good, and releases endorphins, helps you deal with stress, breaks up the tension…the list of benefits goes on forever with this one. Watching babies laughing on youtube is one of my favorites here. Just don’t take life so seriously anymore. It’s all going to work out for the highest good for you.

6) Be aware of how you are feeling. Using the Joyometer (www.Joyometer.com) is a great tool to help you check in on a regular basis to monitor your feelings throughout the day. If you can stay in the positive emotions coming from love 51% of the time on a minimum, you’ll be bringing your dreams and goals into your life.

7) Choose love over fear. All of us have a choice in how we respond to circumstances and situations. Instead of allowing our survival instincts to drive our lives, we can pause and ask, how can this situation serve me? What can I learn here? What would be the best response? You may never have control over circumstances, but when you understand that always have control over how you respond, you become very empowered. You become the creator of your life instead of the “victim” of circumstances.

8) Surround yourself with supporters. It is said that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. Often times, we have some of our toughest relationships that serve to bring us the greatest lessons. Be aware of who you spend time with most—are they living the life you desire to experience? Are they giving you energy, or do you feel drained just by spending time with them? You can minimize the time spent with those energy drainers (I call them energy vampires because they suck your energy out of you) and make an effort to find those who make you feel happy, inspired, and joyful.

9) Do what you love to do. The great equalizer in life is time—we all only have 24 hours in a day. If you aren’t doing work you love, you are not living fully. Figure out your passions. Know your values. Discover your true purpose. And then find work that allows you to express that. Our work is an extension of ourselves, it is our opportunity to create and bring into this world our talents and gifts that no one else has.

10) Be playful and imaginative. As children, we have wonderful imaginations and know how to play. As we grow up, we lose that sense of playfulness. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Richard Branson is willing to dress up as a flight attendant on a dare. What can you do to bring more playfulness into your life? And spending time day dreaming is a great use of your time. Every man made object in this world first started as a thought in someone’s mind. Dream about the life you want to have and the experiences you desire. Before you know it, you’ll be living it!

11) Practice gratitude. All successful people have a high degree of appreciation for life. They are able to take the challenges and see the opportunities that lie within them. When you focus on what is going well by using gratitude, you can shift your mindset and get yourself to a positive frame of mind. For every complaint, come up with 3 good things to counter balance the situation. All situations serve us on some level so look for the lessons and move on.

You have the power and everything you need within yourself to be the best that you can be. Get inspired and you’ll inspire others too. So what is your next step?