It may seem like the world is in a horrible state and everything is falling apart—and on one level it IS! This may seem very frightening to many. A huge range of emotions is being felt right now: from sadness and depression to anger and rage to despondency and helplessness. It is very horrible with all the tragedies that have been happening lately.
But let me tell you…we have a choice…the choice to feel HOPE as well. Let me explain.
Our old systems are not sustainable…they are damaging to the planet and to humanity. So they need to go! It doesn’t matter which “system” you look at, it is in the process of either collapsing or transforming—governments, businesses, finances, education, healthcare, agriculture, environment, etc. It’s happening all over the world so no one is free of this right now. So much of what is happening right now is revealing issues, giving us an opportunity to face them, and to choose another path.
Many people are feeling cognitive dissonance. According to Wikipedia, “in psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.” When we have deep beliefs that we discover are not true, this is a natural process because we don’t want to let go of those beliefs. But as soon as we open our eyes to the possibility, then we can start to discern the truth of the situation. It can be painful, people can get physically ill, dizzy, go into denial, and if they fight for their old beliefs, it only prolongs the process.
What we are witnessing right now is the collapse of so many of our world systems. At the same time! The depth of corruption and lies runs deep. This is why it feels like the world is falling apart, because it is. And it needs to!
But that doesn’t mean it’s all gloom and doom. On the contrary, this is the sign we’ve been waiting for! The majority of cultures and religions talk about the end of the world–as we know it–and that we will enter into a golden age.
A powerful force that we all can have faith in is the resiliency and love of human beings.
We are awakening to the ways the world has been controlled and on a destructive path. And I believe we are going to fix this. We are coming together as we understand that we need a new way. A better way. A higher level of consciousness or awareness about how we are truly connected, we are one human race. This is the path that will help all of us thrive on this planet.
So I am excited and hopeful when I see the signs of destruction (but not the unnecessary deaths) because I know we HAVE to go through this in order to get to the other side. This is helping to bring people together and to take action for the good of our world.
Just as the birth of a butterfly is the death of the caterpillar, we are in that process of metamorphosis. Understanding this bigger picture will help in seeing things for what they really are. By empowering ourselves on an individual level to be hopeful and find our own peace, we CAN make a difference. We have a tremendous ability to influence this transition just in how we manage our own emotional state. (If you want a tool to help in managing your emotions, you can get my Joyometer here).
The key to this for each of us is to focus on love, compassion, forgiveness, peace, and knowing we can co-create a much better world together!

So how to find your own peace in the middle of the crazy chaos? Here are five great strategies that will help.
- Gratitude—find things to be grateful for each and every day. Regardless of what you are feeling, this will help make you feel better and brighten your day. Use this as a conscious tool. No matter what the circumstances are, you can always find something to be thankful for so appreciate as much as you can every day!
- Feed Your Brain Positivity—for goodness sake, turn OFF the TV! Whether it is the mainstream media or the mindless TV shows, just turn it off. (For alternative positive programs, I can highly recommend Also limit your time on social media. Choose to read some good books. Make sure that the images that you take in are at least 3 times more often positive than any negative ones. Find things that inspire you. Be with people who give you energy. And try to keep a higher perspective or understanding on what is happening in the world.
- Get Out In Nature—this goes along with turning off the TV and limiting your social media. Take a walk, go for a hike, swim, sit by a tree, take a picnic, allow the sunshine to warm your face, breath in fresh air, listen to the birds. Walk barefoot in the grass–did you know that this is actually called “earthing”? The Earth’s electromagnetic frequency and that our brains in the alpha state (a relaxed, deeply calm state of mind) are the same! This is known as Schuman’s resonance. So this is why being in nature is so good for us!
- Question Everything!—this is important, especially in these times because there is so much propaganda and disinformation out there. Do NOT take anything at face value but do your own research and find trustworthy sources (I can recommend David Wilcock and as good places to start.) Anyone with access to internet has no excuse not to do their own research. BUT also listen to what your body feels as you are doing this. We have intuition—that gut feeling—when something feels right or not. Learn to trust it!
- Meditate for 10 to 20 Minutes per day—if you have not meditated, this may seem more challenging. But meditation can be done is so many ways. I highly recommend guided meditations to start. But even sitting in nature or focusing on peace or doing deep breathing helps ground you tremendously so that you feel calmer and less stressed, which in turn has a positive effect on those around you. There are numerous studies that show how the power of intention by a collective group of people can positively influence society. Here I can also recommend the research from Heartmath Institute.
We are living through some of the most interesting, challenging, yet exciting times humanity has ever faced. It will be a rocky road, and if you can find your peace on this journey, you will be contributing to making the world that we all wish to see! Read the Earth Manifesto here